NAC Wave 2, BT Problem

  • Servus,

    Ich habe meine Wave 1 auf Wave 2 ersatz. Leider funktioniert alles außer BT. Der ist grau und ich kann weder Handy verbinden noch suchen.

  • Das hat was mit der Konfiguration des Bedienfelds FMUX (Lautstärkeregler etc.) zutun.

    Wenn die Konfiguration im Nac nicht zum Bedienfeld passt, wird u.a. Bluetooth nicht aktiviert.

    War, soweit ich weiß, die Zone 010E.

    Entweder mal im Tool gucken, ob für die Zone Einstellungen verfügbar sind oder via Terminal ändern.

    Oder vielleicht einfach eine andere Kalibrierungsdatei ausprobieren, das dürfte einfacher sein.

  • Calibration file is for Peugeot Expert from Can I try with calibration file for Toyota Proace ? - for Peugeot Expert from - my cal file in original NAC Wave 1

  • You should use the most appropriate calibration and configuration for your car model. Despite this, you can then make the pertinent modifications, using the appropriate programs, in them you must have the bluetooth option activated. It is possible that the configuration you use already had disabled that option. In my nac wave 2, I have made multiple modifications and never had problems. I changed between them. All the best.

  • Calibration file was fine. I think that Was problem with volume button. It were worked but was not enabled in parameters. I changed many parameters and now I'm not sure but I think after this I found BT with name "system_name"

  • Calibration file was fine. I think that Was problem with volume button. It were worked but was not enabled in parameters.

    As I said, it is related to the control panel. (FMUX). ;)

    I changed many parameters and now I'm not sure but I think after this I found BT with name "system_name"

    A classic bug.

    After a while and a few restarts it should display the manufacturer name.

    Sometimes new bluetooth pairing is required.

  • As I said, it is related to the control panel. (FMUX). ;)

    Yes, Thanks!

    A classic bug.

    After a while and a few restarts it should display the manufacturer name.

    Sometimes new bluetooth pairing is required.

    I change BT name in phone. But, I have question.

    myPeugeot app had connection, but didn't sync after power off. Have you any ideas?

  • myPeugeot app had connection, but didn't sync after power off. Have you any ideas?

    The MyPeugeot app is a case in itself...

    Unfortunately very well known issue with the app.

    If the app no longer sync, then try reinstalling the app or go to the settings, stop the running app and clear the data and cache of the app.

    If necessary, delete the Bluetooth connection and pair the smartphone with the Nac again.

    After that it should work again. :thumbs_up: :)

  • The MyPeugeot app is a case in itself...

    Unfortunately very well known issue with the app.

    Ok, I was not sure, whether it's works when Unit is changed. If something is possible I Always ask and try to find solutions. Now I know it's possible sync retrofitted NAC with myPeugeot app 😂 This group is so much helpful.

  • Actually, both the Citroën and Peugeot Apps are really bad. It is very common to be necessary to reinstall it, delete cache information, and even then other times it is the servers. But it is what it is.

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