Peugeot 3008 stuck at

  • Hello,

    I am struggling to update neglected NAC ( to latest, first created by Peugeot Update, then Mittns Toolbox.. updated does not start and shows only error "update not compatible". My idea was that maybe it's too old, so I started to download multiple old firmwares down to but no luck.

    I am wondering, can't it be refusing to update because prehistorical maps? Currently it reports 966.7352-prod

    Any tips?

  • I am wondering, can't it be refusing to update because prehistorical maps?

    Normally not.

    Is your license file correct? Otherwise it can also show you this Incompatibility error.

    Try it with out with hotspot.

    Connect your nac with the hotspot and internet access.

    Currently it reports 966.7352-prod


  • I have also tried with the car connected to Wi-Fi :/ licence file was always downloaded from your licence downloader.. device id was taken using vin from mittns toolbox… is it possible that paugeot has bad id registered for the vin? I was trying to find it under service menu but without luck…

    Here are few screens

  • Are you using a MAC or a PC?

  • PC i guess, otherwise he couldn't use my Toolbox. ;)


    Try a map update, your maps are really really old.

    It is possible that the old maps are not compatible or have bugs with the newer firmware.

    PSA is not clear with the error messages, unfortunately.

  • I have also tried with the car connected to Wi-Fi :/ licence file was always downloaded from your licence downloader.. device id was taken using vin from mittns toolbox… is it possible that paugeot has bad id registered for the vin? I was trying to find it under service menu but without luck…

    Here are few screens

    Set hotspot from phone or router and delete lic file from usb as maybe you unit is replaced and VIN don't match serial UID that's you getting manually wrong license

    without lic file on usb with internet unit will get lic from web :) via UID not via vin

    Or manually read UID via arduino or diagbox then get lic manually

  • You can check your UIN with the Cheatcode menu.

    Code: 1134

    So you can compare the serial number you get wih the update if it's match.

  • Any recomendation on which map version to try? I guess that map format changes over time and requires SW update to work... I see V15 as oldest one

    On the topic of UIN verification: Actually I realised that I used "Export Config" method, which created file "instkey_0D011E2369D4E6B4BE2B.xml" where I guess that file name contains the UIN when removed the "instkey_" prefix. I also tried to decrypt the contents using psa-nac-firmware-reverse-engineering tool, but no luck

  • I see V15 as oldest one

    The latest map version for your system is 26.0.0

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