Peugeot Expert Comfort/camera upgrade

  • Hi,

    After successful upgrade from Wave 1 to Wave 3/4 it's comes time to new retrofitting.

    I have rain and lights Sensor. For now 😅

    I bought cvm 3 camera. I wanna try to add sign recognition, lane assist, active city break

    Have anyone Tipps for me?

    Whitch tools are needed?

    I can NAC coding with Arduino.

    BSI coding is needed? Can I do this with diagbox on VC or Arduino?

  • I wanna try to add sign recognition, lane assist, active city break

    Of course, this only works if the electric servo is installed.

    BSI coding is needed?

    Yes, as far as i remember there are some parameters for the camera and the camera itself too.

    You need diagbox.

    Arduino is also possible but you need the frames to configure.

    So i recommend diagbox.

    In the Nac you also have to change the parameters for the camera so that the traffic signs are taken from the camera and not from the maps.

    308 GTi (╯°□°)â•Żïž” ┻━┻

  • I found 2 Problems.

    1. I don't have attachments.

    2. I have only little plug. I need with more pins and probably with 5 Kabel not 3.

  • Of course you need more cables. :)

    This camera has a can bus connection, among other things.

    All wires are connected to the bsi.

    You need a wiring schematic.

    308 GTi (╯°□°)â•Żïž” ┻━┻

  • I have schematic. I think it's right. I need also plug, but have no idea where I find it.

    Still remains Problem with camera attachment.

Jetzt mitmachen!

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