Beiträge von ibsicus

    Hi again,

    could you be a bit more specific?

    Which value/zone do I need to copy and in which ECU zone 2101 should I enter it?

    Thank you

    Activation of grip control is very easy I have done mine with diagbox you just need to change on bsi and abs module some configs but need to do manual coding . Also on abs if doesn’t allow you to do manual coding just update module with latest software and the change coding , I can’t remember which configs i change as i have done this three years ago but if someone needs it let me know .

    Hi, i have a 3008, I managed to code almost everything on grip control besides the ESP.

    How did you code the ESP?

    I used Arduino to code. Thank you

    Falls jemand an einer Freischaltung Interesse hat, ich habe ich eine ausgezeichneten Kontakt gefunden-> bei mir ist jetzt alle aktiviert !!! ^^ :thumbs_up: 8o .

    Nähere Auskünfte gerne per PN !!

    mfg fredi309

    Hi I would like to know which values you coded in your ESP.

    I am using Arduino for coding and the ESP is the last place I need to code. Thank you