Activating "Eco coaching" possible?

  • Hello Friends!

    Other Peugeot owners with same engine type ( 1,5 HDI but in an 508 and 3008 ) had activated the Eco coaching function and working well.

    In my case I have the display on my NAC but no data measured. I checked every page but they are totally empty

    Does anyone has experience with this? I looked through BSI , all parameters but can not find any other option referring this function and I have no idea where to search the solution

    or maybe it is workink on that model which has hybrid version?

    Do you have any advice?


  • As far as i know, it's only usable for at least Hybrid models.

    Also i remember something i've read in the servicbox, that there's a ecu for the battery, that delivers the data.

    But it's long time ago.

  • Mittns

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  • As far as i know, it's only usable for at least Hybrid models.

    Also i remember something i've read in the servicbox, that there's a ecu for the battery, that delivers the data.

    But it's long time ago.


    it works with an 508 R8 1,5 hdi

  • it works with an 508 R8 1,5 hdi

    From factory or modified?

    It's possible, that the parameters just hidden in diagbox because of the choosed model or bsi hardware revision.

    For older BSI's there was the option to update the software version and then a few more parameters appeared here and there.

    You have to find the right zone for it.

  • it is a modified 508

    [TUTO] Télécodage et calibration d'un NAC / RCC / CIROCCO / CMB_NUM SANS Diagbox via Arduino
    Congrats for the achievements. Regarding park assist, what you describe is how it works, drive and reverse are manual actions. There is one...

  • So, it's in zone 2133. :)

  • So, it's in zone 2133. :)

    yes I had activated it in zone 2133 but there is no measured data on the display

    so i do not know what else I need to do

  • You have to activate on Speedo and bsi.

  • You have to activate on Speedo and bsi.


    Can you please specify which zone in BSI? i checked line by line but cannot find anyone which referr to this function

    Thank you

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