Original DAB+ antena to 508 mk1

  • Hi, did some one knows something about original DAB antenna? Specially to 508 mk1.

    Any PSA number or something?

    Or whats the best alternative option to original one?

    I have NAC W2 with DAB.


  • Please always strive for the search before opening a new topic!

    Look here, there is certainly an answer to your question


  • For the 508 MK1, there's only an adapter and a antenna for the windshield.

    Spare part number adapter: 9808514180

    Spare part number antenna: 6587J7

    Spare part number adapter to radio: 9810165980

    You could also use an antenna from a different model.

    Then you only need the socket for the roof and the connection cable.

    If necessary, make a hole in the roof.

    If you do it right, everything stays tight and you don't have to worry about rust.

  • Thanks for part numbers. But did I need those ? I have NAC radio with DAB. Did those parts are from 508 2014-2018 ?

    Any way I cant drill hole in my roof since 80% of them are glass :)

    If I could have acces to FL service box I would check my self :/

  • Thanks for part numbers. But did I need those ?

    Only if you want the original DAB installation from the 508 MK1.

    But for the MK1 there is nothing else, at least I don't see anything in the service box.

    So look for either these parts or another solution.

    You could also use third party antennas.

    Then you could hide them in the A-pillar, for example.

    However, the reception could be a little bit lower.

    There are several Fakra antennas on the known platforms.

    Also on aliexpress.

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