Beiträge von caostr

    very good I'm going to try it today or tomorrow and I'll tell you if it was good


    I thought it would be easier to get information about the aio in your country...

    Here where I live there is little information and anyone who knows how to use it costs a lot. it is a shame...

    Unfortunately this happens when they bring imported things without support, imagine that the Peugeot representative configured only the vin and was left without enabling the blutooth apple car play mirrorlink etc. I'm thinking about getting a bsi for Peugeot 208 and connecting it to a test bench so I can finish the configuration.

    Hi, Im Argentine " e vc"?

    Hello Daniel, I have the same problem, were you able to solve it?

    Hello budy, how are you? I managed to unlock the aio and partially move it... with the help of j23 who gave the code to include the vin the aio stopped beeping then I was trying to enable the reverse camera and found this video /Xuj0Ro-YsO8?si=PogaN0q8gYddwFKt In the video the person is messing with the diagbox with the canhack together so I took my diagbox, opened the connector and put the wires on pin 3 and 8 and used the diagbox 9.68 and after changing a few parameters at a time I typed the unlock code into the arduino and I went back to diagbox to validate the changes and it worked!!! when I achieved this in version 9.68 I tried 9.91 and higher but diagbox did not open the parameters for change... it seems that from version 9.91 telecoding is only online in version 9.68 I telecoded offline... I believe that the vlud software has many other options than the diagbox... but for those like me who the vlud software didn't work, this option worked... I believe the vlud software doesn't work due to the car's can network with the aio I found the diagram arduino connection to convert the can network but I haven't been able to make it work yet. I accept that with the network converter the vlud software can work but I haven't been able to test it yet. Even if there is someone who can help with how to make the converter work, I would be grateful. but it's already been a lot of progress, canhacker linked to diagbox in version 9.68, I hope to help someone just as I was helped by j23.

    Hi Daniel, How did you unlock the aio?