Front Parking sensors as Retrofit on 3008 II

  • Hello everyone and Happy new year!

    Does someone know or have already tried what is needed in order to add as a retrofit -> front parking sensors (official Peugoet) on Peugeot 3008 II ? or its possible to add only aftermarket equiqment and not official?

    At this moment the car has only rear sensors from the official Peugeot and nothing else, i am trying to find a way how this can be added.


  • Hello. I personally contributed to the C4 Spacetourer from 2020, the conditions allowed me.

    take a picture of the PDC module located in the trunk under the left upholstery
    and the photo of the installation cubes to the front bumper will be under the left wheel arch. then i will tell you what you need

    the beam and sensors and the module can be from the secondary market


Jetzt mitmachen!

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