508 Clima Panel doesnt work for NAC and PSA Arduino NAC - calibration file error

  • Beitrag von Giete3 ()

    Dieser Beitrag wurde vom Autor aus folgendem Grund gelöscht: im not going to tolerate insulting from polish people, specially when my answers in similat tone are delete, and their attacks are ok for admin. ().
  • Why don't you ask the author of the software? ;)

    Since no errors are properly declared in the software, we can only guess.

    I'm guessing that either the calibration file doesn't match the Nac (most likely) or the Arduino has hung up.

    Sometimes the sketch gets stuck and you have to restart the Arduino to get it working again.

    Have you tried this?

    The third image says, that the index is out of range.

    I think at least one line in the calibration file has not the correct length as from the tool expected.

    And if the tool expects a certain length but the calibration file doesn't have this length, the calibration file seems to be incompatible.

    An please use our own image upload function, no external image hoster.

  • this guy wrote post all around the world on every forum and issue was inproperly installed sketch in arduino = user fail .

  • this guy wrote post all around the world on every forum and issue was inproperly installed sketch in arduino = user fail .

    Did someone tell him that?

    If so, then I don't understand why he's still asking.

  • He solved this problem, I was in contact with him about this.

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