Beiträge von Freddykat


    I've come to this forum as im a owner of not a Peugeot but a brother car in this case the C3mk2 from 2015 and I was able with v7.67/9.68 to code the BSI to cope with the rear view camera. (BSI codding OK)

    I was successful in coding the "FOG LAMPS AS INTERSECTION LIGHTS" and now they turn on or off each side on a minus 30kmh condition and plus 10º turn radius. Wife like it! :D :D

    However i cannot code/program new settings on SMEG+Iv2 module with 9.68 (failed download) or with 7.67 (it is identified as RNEG and thus I didn't try to enter the module for make further changes)
    I've turn on rear view camera in BSI but no luck with SMEG+Iv2.

    I will try to update also the SMEG+iv2 for a 6.4.A.R10 – 16/06/2017 in order to have "CARPLAY" but will loose the "USB drive hack" as per my knowledge the "USB hack" work´s if FW version is inferior to 6.2, but if it is newer the solution i think is accessing via TX/RX directly on SMEG+Iv2 board. Can someone confirm this information?

    Can someone clarify whats the maximum DIAGBOX SW version to allow coding/telecoding without official PSA servers of the SMEG+iv2 on a 2015 car?

    Thank you all for the great source of information