Peugeot 308 NAC Wave 2 bricked after update

  • Hello,

    I wanted to update the software of my new Peugeot 308 and in the process I think managed to brick it. Tried to run this update 21-08-87-32_NAC-r1_NAC_EUR_WAVE2. Firstly from the official Peugeot Update app but it had problems with the connection so I couldn't download the update from there. So I download it from the database here.

    So right now, the system is unusable, on boot displays "Software loading on demand...", I don't have the license key, so is there a way to retrieve it without going to the dealership?

    Thanks in advance, any help will be much appreciated

    Took a photo of the screen if it is any helpful

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Mittns () aus folgendem Grund: Ein Beitrag von boho.iv mit diesem Beitrag zusammengefügt.

  • Create a new empty usb stick and copy map data on it, insert it and wait, then the bluescreen should remove.

    After that, try it again with the firmware update.

  • Okay, will try this right away!

    Thank you, I’ll post the an update

  • Hi, Mittns, sorry for the late reply, but I wanted to say thanks for your help. With your advice I successfully recovered the system and then proceeded to update it, this time with the key in license folder. At first I was a little bit worried if it's going to work, but everything went smoothly this time around.

    Donated to the forum, thanks again!

  • Glad it worked.

    No problem . :OK_hand::)

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