Smeg+ coding with Diagbox

  • Hello!

    I have Peugeot 508 from 2016. SMEG+ is updated for latest version.

    I would like to configure with Diagbox 7.57 on VMware. I'll get to the "manual configuration", and if I click on anything within it, for example "VIN configuration" i got this error: "Acces to the authentication server is not possible. Please try later. If the problem presists, contact the hotline."

    How can i solve this problem? ^^

  • try it like rt6 to change the VIN !!!

  • I want to change other options, not the VIN. I just mentioned it as an example. :)

  • Beitrag von tonoke ()

    Dieser Beitrag wurde von Mittns aus folgendem Grund gelöscht: Not useful post. All this is already known. ().

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